Immerse yourself in a new culture and meet lots of like-minded people while volunteering and making a lasting impact on local communities!


Solo environmental projects!

With the aim of maintaining social and ecological balance, the projects combine practical workshops in unique natural settings (tree planting, creation of water channels, construction of compost structures, etc.) with numerous opportunities for intercultural dialogue, genuine immersions with local organisations, conversations with local and international stakeholders and participation in supervised work by experienced biodiversity conservation professionals.
voyage humanitaire jeune
voyage humanitaire adolescent


Solo animal projects!

The animal projects are divided into two main parts with very different roles and objectives: on the one hand, the animal shelters which carry out rescue, care, and in some cases rehabilitation activities. The participants shadow the animal caretakers in their daily tasks, and there is a lot of interaction with the animals. On the other hand, nature reserves, where animals are observed and studied in their natural habitat, and data is collected to contribute to species protection.
animaux 2
tourisme durable
animaux 3


Solo humanitarian projects!

Our community projects are split into 3 categories: education, communities, and women's rights. For these projects, which involve constant interaction and strong cultural immersion, participant profiles are studied on a case-by-case basis by the Freepackers team. In order to ensure that all parties benefit from the best possible impact, placements on community projects are determined not so much by what the participants want, but rather by an assessment of their skills (professional experience, language level), the length of time they are available (minimum 4 weeks) and the needs of the local communities.
Partir en mission humanitaire
Mission pour les communautés en Tanzanie


colo angleterre ado

Technological Summer Camp in Bedford

Montez en compétences grâce à ce camp d’été en Angleterre, riche en apprentissage technique, culturel et linguistique !
royaume uni

Teaching project in a kindergarten in Vietnam

Aidez les enfants avec vos compétences en anglais, alliez apprentissage et échange culturel avec ce projet d’enseignement au Vietnam !

Construction project in Sri Lanka

Soutenez les équipes locales dans des activités de construction et de rénovation aussi créatives qu’utiles et découvrez le Sri Lanka, sa culture et son accueillante population !
sri lanka

Animal rescue center in Costa Rica

Mission in a rescue center for animals in Costa Rica with Freepackers
costa rica

Horse therapy in Argentina

Become a volunteer and help take care of horses and participate in the therapy of people with disabilities with horses through this project, an example of sustainable tourism.

Bush Adventure in South Africa

Embark on this adventure in South Africa and immerse yourself in the local culture by combining multiple projects in a wildlife reserve with early childhood development work.
South Africa
mission humanitaire suede

Husky project in Swedish Lapland

Support a husky farm owner in their daily activities. There are many tasks to accomplish, but the most essential is providing the animals with as much care and love as possible!

Turtle Conservation and Rehabilitation in Bali

Work alongside a local team during your sustainable tourism experience or internship and help protect sea turtles in Indonesia.

Women’s Empowerment Project in India

Humanitarian project for women’s rights in India and to support them in their independence journey.

Amazon Rainforest Conservation Volunteering in Peru

Located in the Tambopata National Reserve in South America, the goal is to preserve the incredible biodiversity of this tropical rainforest by monitoring species such as pumas, jaguars, sloths, spider monkeys, and capuchins.

Animal sanctuary in the Amazon rainforest

How to travel eco-friendly ? By going as a volunteer to protect wild animals immersed in the Amazon rainforest.

Teaching Assistant in Zanzibar

Work for an NGO in humanitarian education with recreational and educational activities.

Individual volunteer opportunities : FAQ

What is a solo volunteer trip?

Firstly, there is no such thing as a solo volunteer trip, in the sense that you will never actually be alone. In fact, the only time you will really be alone is on the plane ride to your destination. As soon as you set foot in the destination country, you will be taken care of by the local organisation, which has been approved by the Freepackers team. When you arrive at the project, expect to be immersed in it first hand! Between the project coordinators, the local communities, and all the other participants, you won’t be alone for a second! Solo volunteer trips offer the most freedom for you as a volunteer so you can really make the most of your program.

What to expect?

Every program will be different but in general, you can expect to be picked up from the airport, taken to your accommodation and given some time to settle in before beginning your program. You will be given plenty of instruction and support throughout your project so no worries there! Travelling alone shouldn’t be scary. It’s the perfect way to experience true independence in a safe environment, while making a tangible contribution to a worthy cause of your choice. No matter which program you choose, you are guaranteed to learn new skills, broaden your perspective and make memories to last a lifetime!

Benefits to volunteering solo

Going on a humanitarian project alone gives you freedom and independence that is not as easily found when volunteering in a group. When volunteering solo, it is easier to:

  • Meet new people
  • Live at the pace of the locals
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Be spontaneous

About 70% of our participants are solo travellers, most of them 20-30 year old women, but we have had teenagers as young as 16 and people who are 70 or older!

Where to volunteer solo

When volunteering solo, there is really no restriction on which program or location you can do! Freepackers offers programs worldwide spanning a wide variety of specialisations so you can take your pick! Although you are going to the project alone, once you arrive you will be surrounded by a whole team of other like-minded people.

Communities come first!

On a humanitarian trip, you should accept any task with the understanding that it is a learning experience. The places, cultures, and people of a foreign country have needs, history, ideas, beliefs and traditions that are totally different from those you experienced as a child.

As a participant, it is our duty to respect this. Even if we come with innovative ideas and modern technologies, our perception is not necessarily ” the right one ” for the local communities and it is not our mission to ” save ” anyone. We can only communicate in a healthy way if it is with an open mind, in order to find the best solution for all parties involved.

Remember that you are a guest. The local community agenda operates on a scale larger than your individual existence – and that is beautiful! We should feel honoured that our contribution is part of a bigger picture. Being mindful of this is humbling and encourages a healthy flow of ideas.

Taking the time to contribute to a sustainable development project is a noble endeavour that we value at Freepackers. You place your trust in us, so it is our duty to work only with ethical projects that contribute to both your personal development and that of the local communities. This travel experience should prove that together we can make the world (and ourselves!) a better place.


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