Our Certifications


Entreprise certifiée B Corp

Depuis mars 2024, notre entreprise Freepackers est  certifiée B Corp.

En tant que B Corp, nous faisons partie d’une communauté mondiale d’entreprises qui respecte des normes sociales et environnementales élevées.

B signifie Bénéfice pour tou.te.s.

Nous mobilisons le mouvement B Corp pour changer notre système économique et avoir un impact positif sur toutes les parties prenantes : collaborateur.trice.s, communautés, client.e.s et notre planète.

Member of the international WYSE Travel Confederation

Wyse Confederation is a non-profit organisation representing the youth and student travel industry. The 600 members are leaders in educational travel and form a powerful and extensive professional network. WYSE Travel Confederation members collectively serve more than 40 million young travellers a year and are the leaders in youth travel services.

Member of the AFNOR Commission for the development of the International Standard on Responsible Tourism

Freepackers is committed to respecting and enforcing best practices in the humanitarian sector. Our priority is to work only with ethical projects in collaboration with the local population and authorities. And also total transparency regarding the distribution of costs.

Member of the International Mobility Committee

This committee brings together some thirty experts to promote professional success for young people thanks to international experience and language learning. Freepackers attends around ten Studyrama fairs each year with the IMC. Come and meet us on the IMC stand to discuss your project and find the experience that best suits your profile and your needs.

Certified Australia Specialist agency

We have been a certified Australia Specialist agency since 2010. The Aussie Specialist Program (ASP) is Tourism Australia’s global online training program, shared by all eight state and territory tourism partners and designed to provide frontline travel sellers from around the globe with the knowledge and skills to best sell Australia.

ICEF International Group accredited agent

We are an accredited ICEF Agent. Leading the way in the advancement of standards in international education, ICEF Agency Status (IAS) is a comprehensive accreditation programme. The ICEF accredited agencies network in over 120 countries is growing exponentially, with thousands of professional agencies worldwide for whom the need to distinguish themselves is greater than ever.

Member of the EAIE

In 2022 we became a Member of the EAIE, European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education.

Member of the Travel4Impact Network

In 2022 Freepackers joined Travel4Impact, a social innovation network launched by Amadeus and IE university. The network supports SMEs to prosper and amplify their positive impact, by helping with the development of their digital strategies, the social impact of their value proposition and the sustainability of their business. For more information : Amadeus Travel4Impact